Sunday, May 13, 2007

while in "foundation in information technology" class..

hey everyone!
yes im finally posting again! haha. currently in class which teaches microsoft word.. excel.. and powerpoint. haha. (because of the nature of this course, i couldnt transfer the credit back home despite many appeals :P ) prof is demonstrating how to sum up stuff across cells now......

anyway! let's see where i left off.. heh. seems like forever since i last blogged..sch here has been pretty easy going.. most of the workload is rather manageable.. except japanese.. that one takes more effort.. haha.. but a typical day goes like this (i have 2 days which start at 845.. these are the other days.. heh) :

9a.m - Wake up
915 - Make breakfast and watch japanese television which i do not understand. heh.
10 - Wash dishes
1015 - Wash up etc.
1030 - Check for any pending laundry
1045 - Turn on computer.. check emails
1115 - First attempt at homework/studying for quizes etc.
1130 - Distraction (Internet, msn)
1200- Second attempt at studying
1245 - Cook lunch (leftovers from dinner before, sandwiches, yaki soba, salads )
1330 - Wash dishes
1345 - Get ready for class
1400 - Go to class
1735 - End of second class , head back to the dorm
1800- Chat with other girls on the floor
1820- Check email etc.
1900- Cook dinner (dinner, depending on the number of participants.. varies from an hour to a 2 plus hour affair is we're having a mass cooking session.. usual suspects include the other singaporeans.. kyoko.. jenelle.. david.. )
21/2200 - Clean up and shower
2230 - Third study attempt (this usually is pretty effective but unfortunately lasts not more than an hour usually.. hee)
** Activities after 10pm also include movie watching on laptops with piles of snacks.. hand slapping card games (similar to snap) .. indian poker.. which i can officially claim that i suck at.. table tennis games ofuro( common baths) or ice cream accompanied chats.. =)
0030-0130 - Bedtime (phone calls back to zq.. family.. )

:) so that was it. heh. time seems to pass by so quickly even though i often dont recall what is it that im busy with..
oh.. went over to hiroshima over the last weekend! it was great.. travelling in a grp of 14 wasnt easy but it was fun! will post up the pics in the next post together with more of what we did.. went to visit the peace museum.. and attended a flower/dance festival too..its really a beautiful city.. its amazing how the city picked itself up after the bombings.. there was this air of sombreity though.. somehow.. knowing what had happened there before..

planning a trip to okinawa next! tanoshimini!! will be heading there end of this month.. its supposed to be really pretty.. great for snorkelling and beachy activities.. hee. finally! some sun and sea!! miss it over here with just mountains and hot springs surrounding apu. haha

k class is ending now.. will post up the pics next! missing everyone terribly...........

jya ne!

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